October ‘24 Edition l Issue #7

The newsletter skipped another edition, but hey, it’s better late than never! The constant rush to finish the newsletter has left me with this nagging feeling. I would rather produce quality over quantity. I will dive into some changes I plan to make to the newsletter in the unabridged Guided by Starlight. In the meantime, enjoy the October Edition of the Newsletter!

August ‘24 Edition l Issue #6

Yes, you read the headline correctly, I am back in Ohio. I enjoyed my time at the Walt Disney Resort; however, pretty early into the program, I was able to tell it simply wasn’t the right path for me. During my time at Disney, I learned a lot of useful skills I can use in my future professional endeavors, from handling situations with screaming children to staying calm under intense pressure while handling a ride downtime (a situation in which part of the ride is not operational and the cast members are working towards getting the ride back online). While I found the formation of new skills within myself incredibly useful, I was able to tell around the month-and-a-half mark that my initial plans to stay at Disney through January were simply not a good idea. Why is that you ask? Well… I’d just call it a hunch. For the purposes of easy understanding, I will break my decision to leave down into 3 categories; the stage, the wallet, and the home. (Continued on Page 5)

July ‘24 Edition l Issue #5

Hello, weary travelers. Yes, I know I missed the June edition but I am back and coming to you with new ideas and a perspective fresher than the Florida swamps. Due to the fact, that I missed the June edition I plan to include an extra edition by the end of the year. Also don’t forget to join the “Darian’s Library” discord server and Facebook group at any point in time to create, share, and enjoy stories!

May ‘24 Edition l Issue #4

Hello, weary travelers. For the last month, my life has been in Limbo. I feel as though I have accomplished a lot and nothing at all. At the beginning of this month, I graduated from college and, in doing so, was pushed into a void space between the realm of childhood and adulthood. At the beginning of June, I will begin an internship at Disney World in Orlando, but until then, I simply have to wait. Sit in this murky Limbo until my life begins. Yes that sounds dramatic, but what do you expect I just graduated with a theatre and english degree, I have to find ways to use it.

April ‘24 Edition l Issue #3

Hello, weary travelers. I may be at the end of my collegiate career but as far as Observe the Forgotten, I am just getting started! To continue this journey and to expand the community element, I have created a discord server: https://discord.gg/BS2XvhzMUy

and Facebook group:

The only requirement for joining either one is being subscribed to the newsletter! Feel free to join “Darian’s Library” at any point in time to create, share, and enjoy stories!

March ‘24 Edition l Issue #2

Hello, weary travelers. I have a few project updates. I have decided to pause work on my play, Woah What Happened. With Graduation in sight, as well as work shifting towards other projects and responsibilities, it felt foolish to attempt to spread myself so thin. I would rather produce a few projects I am very proud of than attempt to produce quantity over quality.
I am still continuing the editing and revision process on the play Kindness Rebirthed. The play is acting as my theatrical capstone and the goal is to have a finished draft by the end of the semester, after which I plan to continue to work on Woah What Happened and begin revision on the rough draft of a novel I wrote last semester (this plan may change however).

February ‘24 Edition l Issue #1

I am proud to announce I have finally written a play. Well - the rough draft of one. The Kindness Rebirthed is a play following Ernest Glynn (a bi-racial man) as he attempts to become a journalist in the 1980s. As he reaches towards this goal, he ends up finding himself falling back in love with a white/white passing woman. Ernest fears possible retaliation from white individuals in his community due to emotional wounds from his youth. When these fears come to life, Ernest is forced to face this fear or let it destroy him.

This play is one I have been working on writing for about a year. While it is still a ways away from where I think it will end up, it has reached a point where it can be experimented with in an active setting. Watch out for special updates/newsletters as this project unfolds!


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